Helvex Fundation


The Social Responsibility area of the Helvex Foundation launched the program “Creaciones por el Agua” (Creations for Water), where more than sixty artists from different currents of the CDMX, Oaxaca and Guadalajara, intervened toilets.

This with the aim of holding an auction to raise funds for the earthquake of 19S of 2017, to support the most affected victims of the communities of Oaxaca and the Colonies of the CDMX.


In order to raise awareness in Mexican society, the Helvex Foundation through the Punta Cometa Agency, we conducted a Digital Marketing campaign to publicize the program through different digital platforms, through the production of short films with each of the artists, where they captured the importance and scope of the program.

Client: Helvex Foundation.
Sector: : Water and Sanitation.
Medium: Short film production.
Profile: Digital MKT diffusion plan


See website

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